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[EBS Easy Writing] email: request a refund

by UNINAJEN 2023. 8. 24.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

Easy Writing Home Page

Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-08-24
### Easy Writers ###



Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • Dear Shannon, I hope you are having a great morning.
  • My name is MY, I attended your Zumba class for the first time yesterday.
  • As much as I enjoyed the class, I felt it was too difficult to follow any of the moves.
  • Don't get me wrong, your class was great. It's just me.
  • My two friends love your class and plan to stay.
  • If I cancel now, would I be able to get a refund on the remaining classes?



Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • hope 어휘등급 1. 동사 바라다, 희망[기대]하다 2. 명사 희망, 기대 3. 명사 바라는[기대하는] 것, 희망 (사항)
    • (예문)
      • I hope you are having a great day. (인사말 처럼사용함)
      • I hope you are having a good morning.
  • difficult 1. 형용사 어려운, 힘든 2. 형용사 힘겨운, 곤란한 3. 형용사 까다로운, 비협조적인 (=awkward)
    • hard 1. 형용사 단단한, 굳은, 딱딱한 (↔soft) 2. 형용사 (…하거나 이해하거나 답하기) 어려운[힘든] (↔easy) 3. 부사 열심히, 힘껏; 힘들게 4. 부사 세게, 강력하게
    • 어감 TIP: hard는 나의 기준에서 내가 느끼는 어려움, difficult는 내가 아닌 상황의 어려움 
  • move 1. 동사 (몸 등을) 움직이다; 움직이게 하다, 옮기다 2. 동사 바뀌다, 달라지다; 바꾸다 (=shift) 3. 명사 조치, 행동 (→false move) 4. 명사 (장소의) 이동, (자세의) 움직임 (=movement)
    • (예문)
      • I can follow the moves.
  • remaining 형용사 남아 있는, 남은 (→remain)




Key Expressions

  • for the first time: 처음으로(=first 동사)
    • (예문)
      • I fell in love for the first time in my life.
      • Juliet missed the class for the first time.
      • I ate fried chicken for the first time this year.
  • as much as 평서문: 평서문이지만(평서문과는 반대되는 의미의 문장과 같이 사용함)
    • as much(…) as 1. …만큼, …정도, …못지않게 2. …정도까지 많이 3. …이지만
    • (예문) 
      • As much as I love you, I am going to have to let you go.
      • As much as I want to stay, I need a new challenge.
        • 어감 TIP: offer를 reject를 할 때 많이 사용함
  • don't get someone wrong: 오해하지 말어~
    • (예문)
      • Don't get me wrong, I still love you.
      • You got it all wrong.
  • get a refund on something: ~에 대해서 환불을 받다.
    • (예문)
      • I got a refund on the skirt l bought last week.
      • Can I get a refund on my hotel reservation?
  • it's just me: 내가 문제에요.
    • (예문)
      • It was the Jokbal. (배탈이 났을 때 족발이 문제였어요.)





