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[EBS Easy Writing] review: MYbot 5000 review

by UNINAJEN 2023. 8. 31.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

Easy Writing Home Page

Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-08-31
### Easy Writers ###
### 참고자료 ###
[Speech] Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford in 2005


Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • After much research and consideration, my wife and I splurged on MYbot 5000.
  • There were so many mixed reviews online, so we weren't sure what to do. 
  • Anyway, we ended up getting it last month.
  • And let me tell you, it's completely changed our lives.
  • I am more of a doing-myself kind of guy.
  •  In fact, I used to find vacuuming kind of therapeutic.
  • That was the old me the new me says life is short.
  • Why should I be vacuuming when I could be playing tennis with my wife?


Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • research 1. 명사 연구, (연구) 조사 (→market research, operational research) 2. 동사 연구[조사]하다
  • consideration 1. 명사 격식 사려, 숙고 2. 명사 고려 사항 3. 명사 배려
  • mixed review 엇갈리는 리뷰(좋은 평가와 나쁜 평가가 섞인 리뷰)
  • in (actual) fact 1. 사실은[실은](방금 한 말에 대해 자세한 내용을 덧붙일 때 씀) 2. 사실은[실제로는](특히 방금 한 말에 반대되는 내용을 강조할 때 씀)
  • kind of 약간, 어느 정도
  • therapeutic 1. 형용사 치료상의, 치료법의 2. 형용사 긴장을 푸는 데 도움이 되는 / 쎄러퓨우릭
  • splurge 1. 명사 비격식 돈을 물 쓰듯 쓰기 2. 동사 비격식 돈을 물 쓰듯 쓰다




Key Expressions

  • more of 명사: 명사에 더 (성향이) 가깝다.
    • (예문)
      • I am more of a dancer. 
        • 약간의 비교하는 느낌이 들어가 있음
      • MY is more of a dog person.
        • Are you a cat person or a dog person?
      • Serina is not much of a dancer. She is more of a singer.
        • dancer, singer가 직업적인 의미는 아님
      • Ashley is more of a cat person than a dog person.
  • splurge on 명사: 명사에 돈을 펑펑 쓰다. 명사에 돈을 쓰다.
    • 어감 TIP: (사치스러운 것에) 돈을 많이 쓰다. spend보다는 강한 느낌. 지르는 느낌. 부정적인 느낌만 있지는 않음. 플렉스 느낌도 있음
      • flex 1. 명사 [구어] 자랑질, 잘난척 하기(하면서 말하기), 으스대기 2. 동사 [구어] 자랑(질)하다, 잘난척하(면서 말하)다, 으스대다 ; (돋보이는 점을)보여주다, * cf. brag, show off 3. 동사 (준비 운동으로) 몸을 풀다 4. 명사 英 (신축성 있는) 전선, 가요선
    • (예문)
      • MY splurged on his new car.
      • Serina splurged on her wedding dress.
  • Let me tell you: 이건 꼭 얘기해줘야 할 것 같네요. 
    • 어감 TIP:  꼭 얘기해줘야 할 내용 강조
    • (예문)
      • Let me tell you, this microwave has so many features.
      • Let me tell you, you want to stay away from Seriana.
  • find 목적어 형용사: 목적어를 형용사하다고 느끼다.
    • (예문)
      • I find her attractive
      • At first I found MY's story boring. 
      • It was beautiful, historical, and artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating.
  • After much research and consideration: (리뷰를 시작하기 전에) 조사도 많이하고 고민도 많이한 끝에


