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[EBS Easy Writing] AD: wephone X is here

by UNINAJEN 2023. 10. 9.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

Easy Writing Home Page

Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-09-28
### Easy Writers ###
### 참고자료 ###
[Speech] Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford in 2005


Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • Discover the incredible features of the all-new Wephone X.
  • It is designed to elevate your mobile experience. 
  • Immerse yourself in the stunning 10-inch Oled display.
  • Say goodbye to burry selfied with the high-resolution front camera.
  • And enhance your photos with AI-powered beauty modes.
  • The long-lasting 5000 mAh(엠에이에이치) battery will keep you powered up throughout the day.
  • If you are looking for a top-notch smartphone that won't break the bank, this is the one.


Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • feature 1. 명사 특색, 특징, 특성 (→water feature) 2. 명사 이목구비(의 각 부분) 3. 동사 특별히 포함하다, 특징으로 삼다 4. 동사 (~의) 특징을 이루다
  • elevate 1. 동사 격식 승진[승격]시키다 (=raise, promote) 2. 동사 전문 용어또는 격식 (들어)올리다 3. 동사 전문 용어 (정도를) 높이다[증가시키다]
  • immerse 1. 동사 (액체 속에) 담그다 2. 동사 ~에 몰두하다/몰두하게 만들다
    • (어감 TIP) 경험을 하다. (immerse oneself in) fully engaged.
  • blurry 형용사 비격식 흐릿한, 모호한
  • selfie 명사 비격식 셀피(스마트폰 등으로 찍은 자신의 사진)
    • take a selfie
  • high-resolution ( hi-res, high-res ) 형용사 고해상도의 (↔low-resolution)
  • enhance 동사 (좋은 점·가치·지위를) 높이다[향상시키다]
  • long-lasting 형용사 오래 지속되는[지속될 수 있는] (=durable)
  • top-notch 형용사 비격식 최고의, 아주 뛰어난




Key Expressions

  • throughout the day: 온종일, 하루내내
    • (어감 TIP) all day보다 강조됨. 하루에 걸쳐서 계속적인 것포함하여 드문드문하게 되는 것도 포함(하루 콘서트 프로그램이 몇개로 나눠서 진행될 때)
    • (예문)
      • We had many meetings throughout the day.
      • There will be short breaks throughout the day.
      • There were surprise events throughout the day.
  • say goodboy to 목적어: 작별인사를 하다. 
    • (예문)
      • Say goodbye to your friends.
      • Say goodbye to your love handles.
        • love handles 명사 비격식 유머 허리의 군살
  • 명사-powered: 명사로 에너지를 받는
    • (예문)
      • Gas-powered vehicles are generally less expensive.
      • Is this bicycle battery-powered?
  • break the bank/piggy bank: 빈털털이로 만들다.  
    • (예문)
      • Are you looking for a diet program that won't break the bank?
      • Everyone knew that the project was going to break the bank



