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[EBS Easy Writing] DIARY: Not all friendships make it to the end

by UNINAJEN 2023. 10. 31.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

Easy Writing Home Page

Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-10-30
### Easy Writers ###
### 참고자료 ###
[Speech] Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford in 2005


Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • In high school I thought my then best friend would be my friend for life.
  • We talked about having kids at the same time growing old together. 
  • Little did I know that we'd eventually be separated and live very different lives.
  • I see her about once a year but each time that I do I feel less connecto to her.
  • This year I am trying to come to terms with the fact that not all friendships make it to the end.
  • And that's OK.


Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • then 1. 부사 그때(과거·미래의 특정한 때를 가리킴) 2. 부사 그 다음에, 그리고, 그러더니 3. 형용사 (그) 당시의
    • my then friend / 중립적으로 그 당시에의 상황에서의 friend
  • at the same time: 동시에
  • eventually 어휘등급 부사 결국, 종내
  • separated 형용사 (부부·동거인들이) 갈라선[헤어진/별거 중인]
  • connected 형용사 관련이 있는 (→well connected), (↔unconnected)
  • make it: 해내다
  • to the end: 끝까지


Key Expressions

  • not all 명사 동사: 모든 명사가 ~하는 건 아니야.
  • (예문)
    • Not all men like spicy food.
    • Not all women like sweets.
    • Not all Koreans eat Kimchi.
  • for (one's whole) life: 평생
    • (예문)
      • I am MY's fan for life.
      • Serian and MY are friends for life.
  • little did I know: 평서문은 정말 몰랐다.
    • (예문)
      • Little did I know that he is going back to Ameria.
      • Little did I know that Seriana had been spying on me.
  • come to terms with: ~와 타협하다. 받아들여야 한다.
    • (예문)
      • She came to terms with the sad truth.
      • We had to come to terms with his death.



