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[EBS Easy Writing] e-mail: apealing a parking ticket

by UNINAJEN 2023. 5. 22.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진 ,  세리나황
Date: 2023-05-22


Fabulous Sentences

  • parking ticket apealing Detail
    • Ticket Number
    • date
    • address
    • pictures
  • autoshop: 자동차 정비소
  • in front of: 앞에, 앞에 있는, 앞에서
    • (예문) I am in front of M mart. Can you see?
    • (예문) A tall handsome man is standing in front of me. 
    • (예문) I was embarrassed in front of everybody.
    • (예문) What do you see in front of you?
  • subject line
    • To whom it may concern (regarding parking ticket number 12345)


Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • To whom it may concern(받는 사람이 누구 인지 모를때, 관계자 분께)
  • signage(sign + sign + ... )
    • 명사 전문 용어 (특히 일반 대중을 위한) 신호들[신호 체계]
  • cover(덮다, 가리다)
    • 1. 동사 (감추거나 보호하기 위해) 씌우다[가리다]
    • 2. 동사 덮다
    • 3. 명사 덮개, 커버 (→dust cover, loose cover)
    • 4. 명사 (좋지 않은 날씨나 공격으로부터) 몸을 숨길 곳
  • attachment(첩부파일)
    • 1. 명사 애착
    • 2. 명사 (사상·가치관에 대한) 믿음, 지지
    • 3. 명사 부가 장치[기구]



Key Expressions

  • A is issued OO tickets
    • (예문) He was issued two speeding tickets.
  • as 평서문(~이므로, 격있는 표현)
    • (예문) You cannot enter this area, as you are not our member.
    • (예문) I wasn't attend the meeting, as I was hospitalized.
  • on the day(그 날, 당일에)
    • (예문) I was not in town on the day the accident happened.
    • (예문) Where were you on the day the victim was found?




