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[EBS Easy Writing] Diary: you are just jealous of our friendship

by UNINAJEN 2023. 7. 19.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

Easy Writing Home Page

Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-07-19
### Easy Writers ###



Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • I think MY is jealous of my friendship with Serina.
  • Just the other day, Serina asked me to join them for lunch and his face twitched.
  • I know Serina and MY have been friends for three years.
  • And I just came into the picture not too long ago.
  • But in all honesty, it's beyond question that Serina likes me more.
  • I mean how can she not!
  • She even said in her own words, "Seriana you just like a breath of fresh air. Where have you been all my life"


Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • alter ego 1. 명사 또 다른 자아 2. 명사 (자기와 아주 비슷한) 절친한 친구
    • 어감 TIP: 부캐, Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)에서 Seriana 확인~
  • jealous 1. 형용사 질투하는 2. 형용사 시기[시샘]하는 (=envious) 3. 형용사 (자기가 자랑스럽게 여기는 것을) 지키려고 애쓰는[경계하는]
    • jealous of …을 시기하는.
    • be jealous of 1. …을 시기[질투]하다 2. …을 소중히 지키다
      • (예문)
        • a city jealous of its rights 권리를 애써 지키는 도시
        • be jealous of one’s independence 자신의 독립을 지키려고 애쓰다
  • friendship 1. 명사 교우 관계 2. 명사 우정, 친선
  • the other day 일전에, 며칠 전에, 저번에
    • 어감 TIP: some time in the past. 과거의 정확하지 않은 시점
  • join 1. 동사 연결하다[되다], 잇다 2. 동사 (하나가 되도록) 합쳐지다 3. 동사 가입[입회/입사/가담]하다
  • not too long ago: 얼마전에 
    • Not Too Long Ago / Chat (Abbr.) NTLA.
  • breath of fresh air 청량제 같은 사람[것]
    • Breath of Fresh Air / Chat (Abbr.) BOFA.
  • twitch 1. 동사 씰룩거리다, 경련하다 2. 동사 홱 잡아채다[잡아당기다], 홱 당겨지다 3. 명사 씰룩거림, 경련 4. 명사 까딱 함, (갑작스런) 느낌
  • twit 명사 비격식 특히 英 멍청이





Key Expressions

  • it's beyond question that 평서문: 평서문은 물어보나 마나야.
    • 어감 TIP: question을 해야 하는 단계를 넘어선/굳이 질문을?/너무 당연한거 아냐?/초월 하는 느낌
    •  (예문)
      • It's beyond question that verbal writing is essential.
        • If you do verbal writing hard, your self-esteem will go higher. That's true. They come as a set/pair.
      • It's beyond question that they have high self-esteem.
        • self-esteem 명사 자부심 (=self-worth)
        • self-worth 명사 자아 존중감, 자부심 (=self-esteem)
      • It's beyond question that MY is successful chef.
        • Success can be subjective. 주관적일 수 있다. 
          • subjective 어휘등급 1. 형용사 주관적인 2. 형용사 (현실 세계의 것이 아니라) 마음속에 존재하는 3. 형용사 문법 주격(主格)의 (↔objective)
        • "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer "성공이 행복의 열쇠가 아니다. 행복이 성공의 열쇠이다. 만약 당신이 하는 일을 사랑한다면, 당신은 성공할 것이다." - 알베르트 슈바이처
    • beyond (all) question 의심할 여지 없이, 물론, 분명히
    • without/beyond doubt 의심할 여지없이
  • come into the picture: 등장하다. 나타나다. (picture는 상황을 의미)
    • (예문)
      • Everything seemed fine, until stupid Seriana came into the picture.
      • A few errors came into the picture, and ruined everything.
  • in all honesty 솔직히 말해서
    • (예문)
      • In all honesty, Jazz is not my cup of tea.
      • In all honesty, I don't think I am the right person for you. 
  • in one's own words: 자기말로
  • How can she not remember me? 어떻게 그녀가 나를 기억하지 못하지?



