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[EBS Easy Writing] Social Media: Putting up the post about neighbor

by UNINAJEN 2023. 8. 18.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

Easy Writing Home Page

Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-08-17
### Easy Writers ###



Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • I stepped in dog poop for the second time this week.
  • I think I am going to lose it.
  • My wife says it is a sign of good luck, but twice in a row surely means there is a cloud over my head.
  • My wife and I have two dogs, and it just irks me when dog owners do this.
  • I reported both incidents to our management office.
  • But I am unsure if they can find the culprit.
  • The bottom line is that people who don't pick up after their pets are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible.


Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • sign 1. 명사 징후, 조짐, 기색, 흔적 (=indication) 2. 명사 표지판, 간판 3. 동사 (서류편지 등에) 서명하다, 조인하다 4. 동사 (운동선수음악가 등과[이]) 계약하다
  • culprit 1. 명사 범인 2. 명사 (문제를 일으킨) 장본인
  • irk 동사 격식 또는 문예체 짜증스럽게[귀찮게] 하다





Key Expressions

  • the bottom line is that 평서문: 중요한건 ~라는 거다. 
    • bottom line 1. 명사 핵심, 요점 2. 명사 상업 최종 결산 결과 3. 명사 (수락 가능한) 최종 가격
    • (예문)
      • The bottom line is that we need to increase our sales.
      • The bottom line is that it is time to move on.
      • The bottom line is that I still want to get back to you.
  • step in dog poop: 개똥을 밟다.
    • step in (합의 도출·문제 해결을 위해) 돕고 나서다[개입하다]
    • poop 1. 명사 선미루(배의 뒷부분에 있는 선루) (→stern) 2. 명사 비격식 특히 美 (=poo) 3. 동사 똥을 싸다 4. 동사 비격식 특히 美 녹초가 되게[기진맥진하게] 만들다
      • stern 1. 형용사 엄중한, 근엄한 (=strict) 2. 형용사 심각한 3. 명사 (배의) 고물, 선미 (→bow 1 n., poop)
    • lose it (울음·웃음 등을) 참지를 못하다, 미치다 / 성질이 폭발하다(lose one's temper)
      • lose temper 화가 나 이성을 잃다
      • (예문)
        • Oh no! He is going to lose it.
        • I lost it when he pushed my wife.
    • in a row: 연속으로(=straight)
    • dark cloud hanging over my head: 악운이 꼈다. (과장하여) 저주받았다.
      • The expression "having a black cloud hanging over my head" means feeling like something bad or unfortunate is going to happen. It's often used to describe a feeling of pessimism or a sense of impending doom.
        • pessimism 어휘등급 명사 비관적인 생각[기분], 비관주의 (↔optimism)
        • impending 어휘등급 형용사 곧 닥칠, 임박한 (=imminent)
          • impend 1. 자동사 금방이라도 일어나려 하다 2. 자동사 <위험·파멸 등이> 임박하다, 절박하다 3. 자동사 고어 머리 위에 걸리다, 드리워지다 ((over))
        • doom 어휘등급 1. 명사 죽음, 파멸, (피할 수 없는) 비운 2. 동사 불행한 운명[결말]을 맞게 하다




