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[EBS Easy Writing] Information: life and career of Legendary singer Sangeun Tzsche Lee, part I

by UNINAJEN 2023. 9. 11.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

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Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-09-11
### Easy Writers ###
### 참고자료 ###
[Speech] Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford in 2005


Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • There are too many words to describe the legendary singer, Sangeun Lee, who has been actively engaged in various artistic endeavors.
  • Since her debut she has maintained a steady music career and showcased her versatility in different forms of art.
  • At the age of 18, she made her debut by winning the grand prize at the MBC Gangbuyn Gayoje with the song Damdadi, which soon catapulted her into superstardom.
  • However, feeling conflicted about being an idol star, she left the music scene to study abroad in countries like Japan, the US, and the UK.
  • With her unwavering dedication to music, she has carved out a unique path as a musician.



Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • endeavor ( endeavour ) 1. 명사 문어 노력, 시도, 애씀 (→effort) 2. 자동사 노력하다(strive) ((at, after)) 3. 자동사 시도하다(try)
  • steady 1. 형용사 (발달전개 등이) 꾸준한 (=constant) 2. 형용사 변함[변동]없는, 고정적인, 한결같은 (=regular) 3. 동사 (흔들리지 않게) 균형을 잡다, 진정시키다; 흔들리지 않다, 진정되다 4. 동사 (변동이 멈추고) 다시 안정되다
    • head on steady until the end of time
  • showcase 1. 명사 (사람의 재능·사물의 장점 등을 알리는) 공개 행사 2. 명사 (상점·박물관 등의) 진열장
  • versatility 다양성, 다재 다능함
    • versatile ( 명사: versatility versatileness ) 1. 형용사 다재다능한 2. 형용사 다용도의, 다목적의
    • versatileness 명사 다재다능함, 변덕스러움.
  • grand prize 명사 최우수상
  • conflicted 형용사 특히 美 갈등을 겪는
  • unwavering 형용사 격식 변함없는, 확고한
    • unwavering support 변함없는 지지
    • unfailing[unwavering] perseverance 한결같은 인내심
      • perseverance 어휘등급 명사 호감 인내(심) // 퍼서비런스


Key Expressions

  • be engaged in 명사: (+열정, 적극성) ~에 참여하다.
    • 어감 TIP: actively involved
    • (예문)
      • MY is actively engaged in a variety of English programs.
      • Serina has been engaged in a number of physical activities.
        • physical activities: 요가, pilates 등
      • We were engaged in a group discussion.
  • make one's debut
    • debut ( début ) 어휘등급 명사 데뷔, 첫 출연[출전]
    • (예문)
      • Michael Baekson made his debut on EBS.
      • Seriana made her debut in a famous sitcom called 'Married with 3 Humans'
        • spin off 1 ( spin-off ) 1. 명사 경영 기업분할, 기업분리, 스핀오프(hive-off) 2. 명사 우주 로켓 또는 유도 미사일을 우주공간에서 분리하는 것 3. 명사 부산물(by-product); 부차적 효과, 파급효과, 부작용
          • hive something off (to/into something) ~을 분리시키다, (사업체 일부인) ~을 분리 매각하다
        • spin off 2 ( spin-off ) 명사 파생적[이차적]으로 발생한, 부산물적인
  • catapult 목적어 명사: 목적어를 명사로 날려버리다. (갑작스러운 성공을 표현할 때 사용함)
    • catapult 1. 명사 英 (Y자 모양의) 새총 2. 명사 투석기(무거운 돌을 날려 보내던 옛날 무기) 3. 동사 英 (갑자기) 내던지다[내던져지다]
    • (예문)
      • Her appearance on the live show catapulted her into superstardom.
        • superstar ( 명사: superstardom ) 명사 슈퍼스타(대단히 유명한 배우·가수·운동선수 등) 
        • superstardom 웹수집 [Noun] The status or position of a superstar.
      • His ITube video catapulted him into overnight fame.
  • carve out: ~을 개척하다. (할로윈에서는 호박을 carve out함)
    • carve out 1. [명성·지위 따위]를 노력하여 얻다, 자수성가하다 2. [진로·토지 따위]를 개척하다, 트다 3. 자르다, 잘라내다
    • (예문)
      • Serina carved out an extraodinary career.
      • We carved out a brandnew market.



