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[EBS Easy Writing] EMAIL: response to the inquiry

by UNINAJEN 2023. 10. 9.

EBS Easy Writing

방송시간 월,화,수,목,금,토 06:00~06:20 출연 마스터유진, 세리나황

EBS 오디오어학당

Easy Writing Home Page

Evening Special(매주 목요일 오후 05:00~07:00)
Date: 2023-10-21
### Easy Writers ###
### 참고자료 ###
[Speech] Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford in 2005


Fabulous Sentences(dictation)

  • Thank you for reaching out to us with your inquiry about the MY R8 model.
  • I have attached a list of the key features and specifications of the product.
  • The specific model you inquired about is available in silver, pink, and light green.
  • It's especially popular among newlyweds because of its affordable price and shick design.
  • Should you require additional information, please feel free to contact us.


Key Words

[출처: https://en.dict.naver.com] [출처: https://english.dict.naver.com/english-dictionary]

  • reach out (to) 1. <손 등을> 뻗다 2. <식물이> 자라다 3. …와 접촉하려고 하다
  • pecific 1. 형용사 구체적인, 명확한, 분명한 (=precise) 2. 형용사 특정한 (=particular) 3. 형용사 격식 특유의, 독특한 (=peculiar)
  • especiall 1. 부사 특히 (=particularly) 2. 부사 특별히 (…을 위해서) 3. 부사 유난히, 특별히
  • newlyweds 명사 신혼부부
  • afford ( 형용사: affordable ) 1. 동사 (…을 살·할·금전적·시간적) 여유[형편]가 되다 2. 동사 …하면 안 되다 3. 동사 격식 제공하다
  • contact 1. 명사 (남과의 특히 정기적인) 연락[접촉] 2. 명사 (무엇에) 닿음, 접촉 3. 동사 (전화·편지 등으로) 연락하다
    • (어감 TIP) reach out보다 더 formal한 표현




Key Expressions

  • available in 색상: ~색으로 나옵니다. / size in 색상
    • come out in 색상
    • (예문) 
      • That blouse is available in white and beige.
      • Are these shoes available in gold?
      • The special edition model is available only in black.
  • a list of 명사
    • (예문)
      • I have a list of required parts.
      • Can you send me a list of the members?
  • among 명사: ~(동등한 성향(quality)의 사람/사물) 사이에서
    • (예문)
      • MY's English courses are popular among people in their thirties or forties.
      • Talk among yourselves until I come back.
  • should you 동사원형: ~하신다면
    • (어감 TIP) if 보다는 더 격식있는 표현
    •  (예문)
      • Should you have any questions, please talk to our cabin crews.
      • Should you decide to leave, come and see me first.



